@echo off REM Use "COOKHTML" to generate the ChAOS web sites files in subdirectory USER REM and "COOKHTML MAKECLEAN" to get rid of sub-directory USER. REM 20010603 MSD009 Brought TELLTALE into the fold. REM 20010306 MSD008 Brought CDU into the fold. REM 20010228 MSD007 Added calls to autogen (and autodel) PROBE2 and CFG2 files. REM 20010227 MSD006 Add call to CCU. (Changes the case of file names.) REM 20010226 MSD005 Adopt new names for the P2 "read me" and tutorial. REM 20010224 MSD004 Added references to the new CFG2 documentation. REM 20010214 MSD003 Altered to take account of file name change. REM 20010125 MSD002 Add copying of VERSION.INI *before* CFG2 is run. REM 20010123 MSD001 Add references to the forthcoming "CDU" program. echo Y > yes md User cd User del *.* < ..\yes :PROBE2GEN if exist c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2.htm goto :CFG2GEN pushdir cd c:\work\c\tc\probe2 call cookhtml popdir :CFG2GEN if exist c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2.htm goto :TTGEN pushdir cd c:\work\c\tc\cfg2 call cookhtml popdir :TTGEN if exist c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\tt.htm goto :CDUGEN pushdir cd c:\work\c\msvc\telltale call cookhtml popdir :CDUGEN if exist c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cdu.htm goto :CHAOSGEN pushdir cd c:\work\c\tc\cdu call cookhtml popdir :CHAOSGEN cfg2 -f..\chaos %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if errorlevel 1 goto GENBAD copy ..\chaos.ini chaosini.txt copy ..\cookHTML.bat cookbat.txt copy ..\*.jpg copy ..\*.zip copy c:\work\c\tc\abi2\abi2.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2.ini p2ini.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2html.ini p2htmini.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2faq.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2tut.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2ver.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\sys.fth sysfth.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\p2tutor.fth p2tutfth.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\probe2\gps.fth gpsfth.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2html.ini c2htmini.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2faq.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2ver.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2ref.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cfg2\cfg2tut.htm cfg2 -h > cfg2.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cduhtml.ini cdhtmini.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cdu.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cdufaq.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cduver.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cduref.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\cdutut.htm copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\flopsuck.cdu fsuckcdu.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\flopspit.cdu fspitcdu.txt copy c:\work\c\tc\cdu\flopchek.cdu fchekcdu.txt cdu help > cdu.txt copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\tthtml.ini tthtmini.txt copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\tt.htm copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\ttfaq.htm copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\ttver.htm copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\ttref.htm copy c:\work\c\msvc\telltale\tttut.htm ccu -l * attrib -r -a -s -h *.* if not "%1"=="" goto GOCLEAN build ..\version.ini goto GOPARENT :GOCLEAN echo Cleaning site files del *.* < ..\yes cd .. rmdir User pushdir cd c:\work\c\tc\probe2 call cookhtml makeclean cd c:\work\c\tc\cfg2 call cookhtml makeclean cd c:\work\c\tc\cdu call cookhtml makeclean cd c:\work\c\msvc\telltale call cookhtml makeclean popdir goto FINISH :GENBAD pause :GOPARENT cd .. :FINISH del yes